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Let’s Talk About Mental Health

If the pandemic has highlighted anything, it’s the importance of our mental health and the availability of mental health services.

Whether it’s the rise in housing costs, inflation, pandemic health impacts, or lack of social interaction, people around the world are feeling the effects on our mental health.

The “Bell Let’s Talk Day” is one of the largest annual mental health awareness events in Canada. Started in 2011 by the Canadian telecommunications company Bell Canada, the event has raised over $121 million dollars for mental health initiatives and has helped over 5.5 million Canadians access mental health services.

The event, which occurs on January 26th this year, spans multiple social media and communication platforms with the #BellLetsTalk hashtag. Bell commits to donating ¢5 for every applicable text, call, tweet or TikTok video using #BellLetsTalk, social media video view and use of our Facebook frame or Snapchat lens. To learn more on how you can participate, check out their website here.

As an advocate and user of mental health services, I understand the importance of getting the help you need and not trying to do it all on your own.

My Story

While attending university, I experienced a life-changing event, which led to one of the lowest points in my mental health. Fortunately, my school had the resources available for me to speak to a professional, as well as I had a strong social support group, which helped me understand and improve my mental health. Before I started seeing a professional, it took a lot of self-motivation to make the appointment as I felt that needing to seek help made me feel weak, like I was not able to cope on my own. However, after working with the professional as well as talking about my issues with close friends and family, I was able to improve my mental health and get myself to a better place.

I want to use my voice as encouragement and motivation for those of you who feel like you are trapped, can’t cope, or even if you are feeling down. Getting the help that you need, whether it’s texting (Text HOME to 686868) or seeking professional services, it extremely important and does not make you any less of a person. It takes a great deal of strength to acknowledge and seek help from others, especially if you feel alone or isolated. If you have a friend or family member who you think is in need, reach out and support them. You deserve to be happy and you are worth it.

I have included some free resources offered from the “Bell Let’s Talk” event in my Resources Section. You can access them here.